The Boston Chapter of IAHSP (BIRC) holds a meeting each month for their members. This month’s meeting on November 16, 2017 was held at Churchill Living in Medford, MA.  Churchill Living was a gracious host.Website overview for home stagers. Presentation given to the Boston chapter of IAHSP in November 2017 to train members on the value of having a website for their business.

BIRC invited me to present to their members at this meeting.  The presentation I gave was simply titled Website Overview for Your Home Staging Business, because we covered many topics related to websites for home staging businesses starting from a high level and drilling down into the details.

Although I was scheduled to present for only one hour, the presentation lasted an hour and 40 minutes!  Why?  Because the questions from the members were great, and the discussions dove deeper into many of the topics.  It was clear that the members of BIRC want to get the most out of the websites for their businesses.  Who would have guessed that talking about websites could be so interesting??

I once again want to thank BIRC for inviting me to present, and to Churchill Living for hosting us.

The presentation slides are below for you to view.

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